Thursday, December 6, 2012

Special Christmas Breakfast Braid

Many of you know how much I LOVE my freezer groups. They prove over and over week after week to bless our family so so much. With me working at nights, I'm not sure how I ever did make it without my freezer friends!  

Our last time to cook, my family made our special Christmas Breakfast Braid to share with everyone!   It's OK to eat it other times of the year, we just always eat it for Christmas.;) I thought they turned out beautiful!!

I'd love to say we got these done 2 weeks before they were due but it would be more accurate to say we barely got them done at all. They were still soft when we delivered them but we did get them done and got to our meeting place on time!!!;) 


Mabrey was such a blessing to scramble 6 dozen eggs and not a single shell made it into those pans!!!;)

Ensley was a master at pressing the seams together on the crescent rolls!  I got a little tired of this after the first 8 so she jumped in and was so much better than me at it!

They were really coming together!  Our house smelled delicious!

Ham, then eggs, then cheese!!! We had just enough of everything!

Using scissors to cut the sides. (Like my super cute robe?)

This is just too much fun for me!! I love braiding hair, bread, ribbon, and really anything!!

Trying to get smart and use labels instead of writing with my yucky handwriting!  Turned out cute;)!

Finished product!  

We had one this morning and it turned out perfectly. Just completely defrost first and cook at 350 until not gooey-- around 30-40 minutes. Slice and enjoy!!!

I can't wait till next month when we meet again!


  1. this is exactly what I'm looking for for my freezer group...have you tried any other fillings (sweet?) any other pointers?

  2. I haven't tried anymore for freezing but I bet they'd be wonderful! This is really our favorite! Enjoy and let me know how it turns out.
